Is a song better than coffee?

Group 236

Both the Rev. Kate Davidson, worship chair, and Amy Acland, synod assembly coordinator, did creative “dancing” behind-the-scenes to smoothly adjust today’s revamped agenda.

Both the Rev. Kate Davidson, worship chair, and Amy Acland, synod assembly coordinator, did creative “dancing” behind-the-scenes to smoothly adjust today’s revamped agenda.

To break us out of our mid-morning slump, Alice Benson, Regional Gifts Planner with the ELCA Foundation, led us in a rousing ditty sung to the tune of “The Church’s One Foundation.” The words aptly describe the mission of the ELCA Foundation:

The ELCA Foundation exists to serve us all
with regional gift planners from Florida to St. Paul.
They’ll help us serve our Lord Christ
by leaving gifts when gone
and manage our endowments
we’ll sing the victor’s song.

The Rev. Phil Hirsch, Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop, followed with his report. It introduced new words to the synod organizational vocabulary, starting his talk with the “Tale of Two Tables,” and brought in several speakers who described new ministries in the synod. These included a reshaped Together in Mission Event and a personalize-able stewardship resource, “Embracing Generosity.”