Since the gavel dropped: 13SynAsm developments

Group 236

The new year may have just begun, but your Synod Assembly Planning Committee has been perking along since the gavel dropped in 2012.

Here are some items in the hopper for 2013… and beyond.

  • As many have already noted, the 2013 Synod Assembly will take place in one session. Looking ahead, the one session format will continue.
  • An odd year/even year pattern will begin, alternating between a two-day Synod Assembly (like 2013) at a conference facility, followed by a one-day Synod Assembly (next up – 2014) the following year at a church location. This maintains the value of getting together and allows time for doing required business, while minimizing costs.
  • The fee structure will reflect this alternating year design. As adopted by the Metro D.C. Synod Council on November 17, 2012, the 2013 Synod Assembly fee will be [3/11/13 – dollar figure removed because fee in discussion]. As we all know, conference facility fees in the greater D.C. area are substantial, but they offer arrangements required by a group of our size doing focused activity. This fee will be lower for the 2014 Synod Assembly at $99 per participant, as adopted by the Synod Council, reflecting the different venue and duration.
  • Visitors can attend for a separate fee. For 2013, the fee is set at $250.

Told you the planning team has been active! There’s more…

  • The theme synod activity in 2013 is: “Praying, Discerning, Renewing.”
  • The agenda for the 2013 Synod Assembly, while clearly in early draft form, is full. A highlight will be the election of a synod bishop.
  • To complete what we need to do in the time allowed, there will be no workshops and no guest speaker for the 2013 Synod Assembly.
  • We know who our ELCA Representative will be, however – the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, ELCA Presiding Bishop. He will bring greetings and news from the churchwide expression of the ELCA, as well as assist with our election process.
  • A display area will be reserved for the 2013 Synod Assembly. Fee is set at $40 per table, with table location being assigned by the Synod Assembly Planning Committee.
  • A Fair Trade display is anticipated at the 2013 Synod Assembly.

Say to yourself, “April 30th, April 30th, April 30th…” This is the deadline for several pre-Assembly markers.

  • By April 30, nominations and Candidate Information Forms for synod leadership positions up for election should be submitted. Find the list of positions and necessary details on the Nominations/Elections page.
  • By April 30, draft Resolutions and Memorials need to be submitted to the Reference and Counsel Team, which prepares them for presentation to the Synod Assembly. Info about this process is found on the Resolutions/Memorials page.
  • And by April 30, units of the synod need to submit their reports so we all can have a view of the exciting ministry being done at the synodical expression of the church.

Other than that, check that June 21-22, 2013 is on your calendar and stay tuned for additional developments! In the meantime, contact Amy Acland, synod assembly coordinator, with questions at