Young Adult activity in synod addressed early Saturday

Group 236

Travel is one way the synod can nurture young adult ministry, as details of a recent Border Immersion Trip affirmed.

Travel is one way the synod can nurture young adult ministry, as details of a recent Border Immersion Trip affirmed.

The morning opened at 9:35 a.m. with a prayer led by Bishop Hanson.

Activities included an almost unanimous vote to refer the by-law changes to Synod Council for further discussion, and reports from synod leaders.

In her report, the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli, Assistant to the Bishop, commended to us an article in The Atlantic titled “Listening to Young Atheists: Lessons for a Stronger Christianity.” The article says that many young adults don’t find mainline congregations meaningful because of the lack of focus on the way Jesus really matters in our daily lives. She also invited presenters forward to share stories from two recent synodical trips that were taken by young adults in the synod – one to the US / Mexico border and the other to Israel and Palestine. A Synod Youth Protection Policy has also been created, as requested by a previous Synod Assembly. Pr. Sevimli opened and closed her remarks with the verse: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”