Faces on the agenda

Group 236


Our final session of the day began with the report of the Mission Spending Plan. The Assembly then affirmed the Synod Council members running uncontested. The Assembly uses small, handheld voting devices, but technology is tricky, and there was a moment of confusion among the Assembly as everyone figured out all the little buttons. Ancient history meets modern technology!

There were then several ballots which were easy to pass; the Assembly sent greetings to fellow synod assemblies, and expressed gratitude to Gifts of Hope on the programs 25th anniversary.


We then moved on to a somewhat more controversial motion—or as controversial as these things get. (Parliamentary nerds, such as your blogger, find this sort of thing a great deal of fun. Normal people generally find it a bit boring.) The Assembly amended the constitution in a few minor ways, in part so that it conformed to the model constitution. There were a few comments and concerns, but the amendments passed.


A moving video was shared by LSS.

The Assembly then watched a video from Lutheran Social Services, about the ministry and services which LSS provides, and the people who receive them. Watching the video gave us a chance to get some faces and names to go with the reports and appeals, and to see the lives of the people that LSS works so hard to make better.


The Rev. Phil Hirsch provided his report as the Director of Evangelical Mission. He discussed the New Connections campaign, and the importance of growing congregations—not only for the health of the congregation, but because it is God’s call to spread the good news and to spread his love.

He invited the Assembly to an evangelism workshop in September at Christ the King, as part of the synod’s efforts to better equip individuals and congregations with the tools and knowledge to help spread God’s love. Finally, he introduced a team of leaders around the synod prepared to help coach ministers and help them with the tools and knowledge to help grow congregations.

And that does it for the day! Sort of. There is still dinner, a communion service, and a meet & greet for the evening. Then we will reconvene tomorrow morning for another day. Blessings, and good night.