By the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit
We are called to cultivate a bold and boundless love for Jesus and God’s beloved creation.
Called to Be
Church Together
In 2019, Rev. Leila M. Ortiz was elected to serve as Bishop of the Metro D.C. Synod. Through discernment of the how and where the Holy Spirit is calling this synod, the Synod staff and Council worked together to develop a new mission statement and priorities for the work we are called to do together.
Bishop Ortiz also describes how congregations and leaders can live out this mission and be Church together.

2025 Synod Assembly
Come ready to learn all the ways the Holy Spirit has empowered congregations, rostered ministers, and lay leaders to live out the Gospel! This assembly will include the election of new bishop to the Metro D.C. Synod.
Resources for
Congregations in Transition
For congregations and communities of faith, transitions are fertile ground for God’s transformational work. This holy work may present challenges but also great opportunities for congregations to re-envision how they bring about God’s kingdom here on earth and the resources they need to live out their mission.
Resources for
Congregations in Transition
For congregations and communities of faith, transitions are fertile ground for God’s transformational work. This holy work may present challenges but also great opportunities for congregations to re-envision how they bring about God’s kingdom here on earth and the resources they need to live out their mission.

ministry resources

I am eager to work with you to be the church God is calling us to be. We have amazing opportunities not just to do more, but to BE MORE; not just to do church, but to BE CHURCH.
- Bishop Leila M. Ortiz