Lutheran campus ministry
Local universities bring a significant opportunity for ministry and service to students who are trying to identify who and what they are called to be. There are more than 20 colleges and universities within the Metro D.C. synod numbering over 350,000 students.

NEW! Partnership Grants
To support congregational efforts at renewal and outreach, The New and Renewing Mission Table (NRMT) is launching new partnership grants during the summer of 2023!
You are encouraged to seek out ways that you can dream up partnerships with local communities of faith!
This grant will allow you to experiment, explore, take risks, build relationships, and see what happens!
NEW! Campus Ministries Exploration & Growth Grants
The Metro D.C. Synod is currently considering grant requests to support congregations within the synod who are exploring and/or launching partnerships with their local community, state, and private colleges or universities in ministry.
This initiative will allow churches in our synod to explore personal connections with those colleges and universities. The hope is to continue to engage, be in dialogue with and walk alongside students during this special time in their lives in the name of Christ.
If you (or someone you know) is looking for a loving community and a way to express your faith, consider joining a campus ministry!
The campus ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) seek to strengthen and support students and young adults as they learn and grow.
The Humble Walk at University of Maryland
Check out the vibrant Lutheran campus ministry The Humble Walk on the campus of University of Maryland led by Pastor Ray Ranker. Every Sunday, connect with other students over a free home cooked meal followed by a contemporary, casual worship service just for students!
Lutheran Campus Ministry Network
As a collective center for ministry information, student referrals and campus ministry resources, LuMin seeks to welcome, affirm and accept all students in Christ’s name.