Equity for All of God's
Beloved Creation
The Racial Equity Team leads, coordinates, and develops resources and actions for the congregations of the Metropolitan D.C. Synod to confront racism and white supremacy in our society, communities, and ourselves; freeing us to live out our baptismal promises by centering equity and justice in our Church and the world.
For more information about the Racial Equity Team or to get involved in the team’s efforts, please contact Rev. Karen Brau at racialequity@metrodcelca.org.

Upcoming Events
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Racial Equity Resources
Join the Racial Equity Network
The Racial Equity Network was formed in conjunction with the synod's Racial Equity Team to provide a dedicated space to share the joys, struggles and opportunities in this most holy work for racial equity and justice in the world. This network meets on Zoom once a quarter and also has a private Facebook group to share, learn and discuss.
Christians Against Christian Nationalism | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (November 2, 2022)
Why I am Against Christian Nationalism | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (August 18, 2023)
Christian Nationalism and who is a real American? | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (June 12, 2024)
Pastors respond after Trump says Christianity is under attack | CNN
Church & Community Resources | Christians Against Nationalism
Breaking Point: Tracing the Roots of White Christian Nationalism and How We Can Resist | Broadleaf Books and Fortress Press
Red State Christians. A Journey into White Christian Nationalism and the Wreckage It Leaves Behind | Angela Denker
Advancing & sustaining a culture of nonviolent peacemaking & resistance | DC Peace Team
ELCA's Truth & Healing Movement
The ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement is an opportunity for this church to increase our understanding of our colonizing impacts on Indigenous people in the past and present.
There are opportunities to learn, raise awareness and engage in other ways to impact hearts and lives across this church. We believe that the truth, and our knowing and embracing it, is the first step toward healing for all of us.