Confirmation class leads fight against malaria
Submission by the Rev. John Kidd
The creative Confirmation Class of Augustana Lutheran Church in D.C. topped up a year-end gift to the ELCA Malaria Campaign to $1,750. With a tenacious array of approaches, the young people have helped combat malaria as a cause of death for an African child every 60 seconds.
Their gifts will provide mosquito netting to prevent infection, drugs to treat it, and education efforts to alert people to what they can do to prevent and treat malaria in their communities.
Hundreds of Christmas cookies made by the group on a Saturday morning generated $711 from eager Augustanans on the third Sunday of Advent.
- Sharing her experience being treated for malaria, class spokesperson Kupewa M.’s Mission Minute presentation brought additional gifts of $550 through Sunday morning offerings.
- The 2012 Confirmation Class began the support effort in spring by inviting the congregation to make gifts in honor of the confirmation of two classmates – Robert B. and Rayshad W. Members responded with gifts totaling $489.
Earlier this year, Augustana’s Lydia Circle, a service organization of the congregation’s women, contributed $500 to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. As a result, Augustana’s total campaign support in 2012 amounted to $2,250.
With Augustana’s official baptized membership of 469, this amounts to $4.70 per member. Briefing the confirmation group on the ELCA Malaria Campaign, Ruth Sorenson said if every baptized member of every ELCA congregation gave $4.00 to the campaign, the ELCA would surpass its $15,000,000 campaign goal.
Learn more about how to connect locally to ELCA Malaria Campaign efforts.