Resolutions/Memorials express synod views
The session moved forward, taking up three resolutions before breaking for dinner.
1) In a resolution passed without discussion, the assembly resolved to send greetings to other ELCA synods in assembly with “Greetings to Other Synods.”
2) In a resolution passed with a fair amount of healthy discussion, the assembly resolved to encourage the bishop of this synod and congregation members to contact members of the U.S. Congress, urging “Conditioning U.S. Aid to Israel on Cessation of Israeli Settlement Construction in Occupied Areas.”
3) In a resolution passed with some discussion, the assembly memorialized the ELCA church wide assembly by adopting “Lay Rostered Voting Members at Synod and Churchwide Assemblies” to amend the governing documents regarding Voting Member quotas for synod and churchwide assemblies, eliminating any distinction between the different rosters of the ELCA.
The assembly will take up further resolutions tomorrow as members continue to listen for how the Holy Spirit is calling them to be church. Thanks be to God for action, and yes for Robert’s Rules of Order as well. Time for dinner and fellowship!