Invitation to 22nd LWF International Seminar for Pastors | March 7 – 19, 2022

Group 236

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the leadership of the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation,

Many of you know about the international theological seminars that are organised at the LWF Center in Wittenberg. A lot of pastors have come back home from our seminars encouraging others to apply for participation because they have found the encounter and the studies within the international Lutheran communion uplifting, inspiring and community building.

For the time being, unfortunately, we are not able to hold the LWF International Seminars in person in Wittenberg, due to the global COVID-29 pandemic. So, over the last months, we have invited to theological seminars in a digital format. Although we could not meet personally, our main goals were still achieved: to study Luther’s writings, to share about our different contexts, to reflect on Lutheran identity and to grow in communion.

Encouraged by this positive experience, we have decided to hold the 22nd LWF International Seminar for Pastors in 2022 in a digital version.

So, it is now my honour and my pleasure to convey to you our invitation to the

22nd International Seminar for Pastors from March 7-19, 2022 (digital version):
“Ministry, Ordination and Leadership in the Church –
Inspiration from the Bible and Lutheran tradition”.

The seminar will be led by Prof. Dr. Theodor Dieter, Strasbourg, and PD Dr. Klaus Schaefer, Hamburg.

We kindly ask you to identify appropriate female or male pastors in your churches who meet the following requirements:

  • Excellent knowledge of English (the seminar will be held in English)
  • Pastors with some years of parish experience and interest in reflecting on the Lutheran understanding of ministry
  • Readiness to prepare for the digital seminar in self-study and commitment to participate in all study sessions of the live seminar in March 7-19, 2021
  • Endorsement by the leadership of the church

As always, we will invite up to 22 participants from the 7 regions within the LWF. This will ensure a fruitful, cross-cultural dialogue that will strengthen the communion of the LWF. We also look for a balance in gender and generation to enhance the sharing of different perspectives and life experience.

Please find attached the nomination form, which should be returned to the Director of Studies, Rev. Dr. Sámuel Nánási (by e-mail to:, as soon as possible, latest December 1, 2021.

We kindly ask your cooperation in nominating pastors from your church for the 22nd LWF International Seminar in March 2022. We are looking forward to a fruitful exchange within the communion of the LWF. Do not hesitate to get in contact with me or Dr. Sámuel Nánási if you have any questions.

On behalf of Professor Dr. Theodor Dieter, PD Dr. Klaus Schaefer and Rev. Dr. Sámuel Nánási, I send you kindest regards,

Rev. Inken Wöhlbrand
Executive Director of LWF Center Wittenberg