Plan for ELCA-wide Day of Service in September

Group 236

All 10,000 ELCA congregations are invited to put their faith into action on Sunday, September 8, 2013 with a dedicated Day of Service as the church celebrates its 25th anniversary.

While service opportunities are endless, and this is what congregations do in their everyday ministries, it will be a powerful experience work together across communities and the country. Clean up a neighborhood park, volunteer in a homeless shelter, or partner with a local social ministry organization for a project they recommend.

Step into service after worship, or hold devotions at a worksite to frame the day.

Look for bulletin inserts and ideas at, where many ways to celebrate “Always being made new” are highlighted. We are four million ELCA members and a church deeply rooted in faith and in sharing a passion for making positive changes in the world.

Excerpts taken from memo from Christina Jackson-Skelton, Executive Eirector, ELCA Mission Advancement (4/17/13)