Silent shout from Companion Synod

Group 236

Christmas Message from Bishop Medardo Gómez of the Salvadoran Lutheran Church*

Dear sisters and brothers:

With the love of God that unites us as brothers and sisters, I want to mention and share the situation of the life of the Salvadoran people, especially of the poor communities, where our Lutheran Salvadoran church goes about mission – the insecurity is unbearable; pain overflows patience; we find ourselves desperate.

"I call out for unity in prayer, to act with wise solidarity."

“I call out for unity in prayer, to act with wise solidarity.”

There is a silent shout full of anxiety in the communities, the order that prevails by those who are violent is: “SEE, HEAR AND SHUT UP.”  No one dares speak out, denounce; there is an atmosphere of total danger, fear.  All the people living in the communities are terrorized by panic, various members of families of churches have suffered assassinations; to save their lives many are emigrating.

Assassinations are the common denominator every day, and even the cry of loved ones of the victims is drowned out due to fear of reprisals. The authorities are not able to do anything, because there is no accusation that accuses and points out those to blame.

I call out for unity in prayer, to act with wise solidarity. We need to dress ourselves with the armor of the Lord: “for we do not struggle against flesh and blood, but against heavenly hosts of evil, in heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

God is with us. He hears us and knows what is happening. We pray without ceasing. God will give us his protection and divine help, so that we may be courageous instruments of peace.

“This people does not go out except with prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)

Bishop Medardo Gómez
Salvadoran Lutheran Church

* Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña is in Companion Synod relationship with the Metro D.C. Synod. Bishop Gómez’ message, dated December 12, 2014, was translated into English above and follows in Spanish. This letter was distributed through the synod’s Global Missions Committee.

12 de diciembre de 2014

Queridos hermanas y hermanos:

Con el amor de Dios que nos une como hermanos, quiero comentar y compartir la situación de la vida del pueblo salvadoreño,  especialmente en las comunidades pobres, donde está misionando nuestra Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña, la inseguridad esta insoportable, el dolor ha colmado la paciencia, nos encontramos desesperados.

Hay un grito silencioso lleno de angustia en las comunidades, la orden que existe por parte de los victimarios es: “VER, OIR Y CALLAR”, nadie se atreve a hablar, denunciar, es un ambiente total de peligro, miedo, toda la población situada en las comunidades  están aterrorizadas ante el pánico, varios miembros de las familias de las iglesias han sufrido asesinatos, muchos para salvar sus vidas están emigrando.

Los asesinatos es el común denominador de cada día, y hasta el llanto de los seres queridos de las víctimas es ahogado, por el miedo a las represalias,  las autoridades no pueden hacer nada, porque no existe la denuncia que acuse y señale  a los culpables.

Hago un llamado a la unidad en oración, al accionar de la sabiduría solidaria. Necesitamos vestirnos de la armadura del señor: “porque no tenemos lucha contra carne y sangre, sino contra huestes celestiales de maldad, en las regiones celestes” (efesios 6.12)

Dios está con nosotros, Él nos escucha y sabe lo que está ocurriendo, oremos sin cesar.  Dios nos dará su protección y ayuda divina, para ser valientemente instrumentos de paz.

“Este género no sale sino con oración y ayuno” (mateo 17: 21)

Obispo Medardo Gómez
Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña.