Looking good

Group 236

“Hey, I think we know these guys,” said Amy Acland, Administrative Assistant to Leadership of the synod when she perused photos taken Tuesday, August 18 at the 2009 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

Bishop Graham (purple shirt) is pictured among Voting Members from the Metro D.C. Synod during an assembly business session.

Bishop Graham (purple shirt) is pictured among Voting Members from the Metro D.C. Synod during an assembly business session.


Voting Members from the synod share peace and fellowship during proceedings at the CWA.

Voting Members from the synod share peace and fellowship during proceedings at the CWA.


As Phil Moeller, one of our Voting Members, commented his photo appeared on screens in the Plenary Hall.

As Phil Moeller, one of our Voting Members, commented his photo appeared on screens in the Plenary Hall.


Bishop Graham was among leaders of the day's worship.

Bishop Graham was among leaders of the day's worship.

All photos taken from the CWA galleries found on the ELCA Web site.