One non-liturgical year in
by Katharyn Wheeler
February 1, 2015, I began my time serving as the Administrative Assistant to the Bishop. I felt fairly equipped because I spent the ten previous years serving as the Administrative Assistant at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Dale City, Virginia. However, the first thing Amy Tattersall told me as she prepared me for her succession was that whatever I knew about being an admin in a church setting would not pertain to the synod office. She was right.
Now, I can’t even tell you the exact date of Easter this year! I no longer function on a liturgical calendar. I was constantly working two weeks ahead as a church admin and thinking a season or two ahead to plan worship. This was a huge mind shift when I first started in the office. I don’t have to create the bulletins this year, so Easter Sunday for example isn’t a work marker.
In the past year I have helped organize Synod Assembly and Bishop’s Convo, sent out ordination invitations, attended multiple Synod Council meetings, joined the Together in Mission planning team, sent out registration notices for workshops, gathered Statements of Intent, Forms A & C, and Reports from Rostered Leaders, tracked rostered leader changes, run background checks, sent invoices, and collected payments, planned meals for meetings, attended weekly staff meetings, participated in Lenten and Advent Bishop’s Eucharists and the Reformation Service, scheduled countless meetings, opened Excel more times than I ever imagined, planned travel, and the list continues; however I have not once prepared a baptism certificate.
I feel exceedingly grateful for the opportunity to work in the synod office. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better group of people to serve alongside. They are compassionate, faithful, thoughtful, hardworking individuals who also work incredibly well as a team. I am glad I have the chance to grow both in skills and faith through my time in the synod office. I have also truly enjoyed getting to know the rostered and lay leaders of the synod. I have new definitions of faithful work after witnessing the work within the synod.
I can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned for me as I serve in the coming years.