Life-changing outdoor camp experiences

Group 236

by Sarah Lefler and Reuben Todd*

Thousands of people each year at Caroline Furnace and Mar-Lu-Ridge are touched by the important camping and retreat opportunities they offer. We encourage you to participate in “I Love Camp” Month** during February to highlight these valuable outdoor ministries of the Metro D.C. Synod.

Here’s how you can be involved.

  • Invite a camp staff member, or a camper/camp family from your congregation, to give a short talk during worship one Sunday. We are always happy to share the news of camp with your church family.
  • Add the following prayer petition to your prayers of the church one Sunday.

Lord God, where two or three gather in your name, you are with us.
We thank you and praise you for the gift of community through Caroline Furnace and Mar-Lu-Ridge.
Strengthen these ministries, their leaders, volunteers, staff and board members so these camps may be places of sanctuary for generations to come.
Lord God, bless all campers, families and retreat guests who make Mar-Lu-Ridge and Caroline Furnance their home.
Let this great cloud of witnesses go out and serve you, making disciples in your name.

  • Be sure to tell people that Camperships are available – all children are welcome at camp, and funding is available to assist those in need.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Together, we can provide life-changing outdoor camp experiences for all children!

*Sarah Lefler is the Executive Director of Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp & Retreat Center, and Reuben Todd is the Executive Director of Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center

**See “I Love Camp Month” resolution (pdf file) adopted by the 2014 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly