Silent Sanctuary: Reverend Annabelle’s Sabbath Retreat

Group 236

The Metro D.C. Synod supports healthy leadership by offering mini-grants to rostered ministers for sabbath time away. Pastor Annabelle P. Markey, a grateful recipient, shares her transformative experience during a silent retreat.

With the assistance of the Sabbath Grant, Reverend Annabelle embarked on a journey of rest and renewal at Loyola on the Potomac, a Jesuit retreat house in Maryland. She immersed herself in silence, finding solace and clarity through daily sessions with a spiritual director and Ignatian Spiritual Practices. “Meeting daily with a spiritual director and using the Ignatian Spiritual Practices were incredibly helpful in reconnecting with God and myself,” Reverend Annabelle reflects. “The practices I engaged in during my silent retreat have been life-giving and energizing in a time of discernment.”

Throughout her retreat, Reverend Annabelle embraced daily worship, prayer, journaling, knitting, and contemplative walks amidst nature’s beauty. The tranquil shores provided moments of serenity, accompanied by the majestic presence of bald eagles and osprey. “The time helped me establish helpful routines and practices that continue to draw me closer to Christ in daily life,” she shares. “It’s been wonderful!”

Reverend Annabelle’s experience underscores the transformative power of Sabbath and spiritual rejuvenation. As ministers prioritize rest and engage in reflective practices, they cultivate resilience and draw closer to their divine calling. May the Synod’s Mini Sabbath Grant Program continue to nourish and empower leaders on their journey of faith and service.



If you are inspired by this story, learn more and apply for Sabbath Mini-Grants at