A Gulf Oil Spill Response

“Hands Across the Sand” is a movement and observance on June 26, including an event in Annapolis. A call has been made for the joining of hands along beaches, waterways, rivers, backyards, churches and wherever we may be for a moment of silence and prayer as a gentle, spiritual, yet powerful statement of solidarity and stewardship of God’s creation – particularly the protection of our waters, wildlife and lands.
The synod’s Creation Care Team brings the event to our attention, and the Rev. Kendall B. Summers, pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Temple Hills, Md., will lead prayers at the observance in Annapolis extending from City Dock at 3:30 p.m., also featuring speakers and music. “My hope is that while we are all angry and hurt,” said Pr. Summers of reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, “that we hear the voice of God calling us to work for the good and to help shine light of hope and a way of movement toward better environmental care through the darkness.”
The movement started in Florida, when thousands joined hands on February 13, 2010, from Jacksonville to Miami Beach and Key West to Pensacola Beach, each against oil drilling in Florida’s waters. The mission of “Hands Across the Sand” includes opposition to offshore oil drilling and championing clean energy and renewables. Learn more from the “Hands Across the Sand” Web site.
Information about organizing a local event is available on that site, or phone Pr. Summers about the Annapolis event at 410-991-0293.