2025 Bishop Transition

The 2025 Bishop Election and Transition Team

Primary Contact: Jackson Droney, Chair at bishopelection@metrodcelca.org

About the Bishop Election and Transition Team:

The Bishop Election and Transition Team is responsible for surveying the current climate of the synod in preparation for the election of a bishop at the Synod Assembly. They analyze the results and host conference meetings to share information about the synod and the ecclesiastical election process. At the Synod Assembly, the team provides candidate information and hosts candidate forums while working with the election team to run the bishop election. Following the Synod Assembly, the team helps with the farewell of the current bishop and the installation of the next bishop.

Bishop Leila Ortiz shared that she will not seek another term as bishop on September 12, 2024.

Team Members:

Team members were selected to provide a spectrum of voices across age, gender, sexuality, synod conference, and rostered status demographics. Members include those who were part of the previous election process and those who are new to the synod in the past few years.

Pastor Lamar Bailey, Fatmata Barlatt, Jackson Droney–Chair, Pastor Craig Endicott, Nels Hendrickson, Ailen Mushi, Deacon Alyssa Prinzivalli, Pastor CJ Valenti, Katharyn Wheeler, Ren W.


    • October 9–December 20 | Synod Survey Open
    • January–February | Analysis of Survey Results
    • February–March | Survey Results Shared
    • March–April | Conference Meetings in Preparation for Synod Assembly Election
    • June 6-7, 2025 | Synod Assembly
    • TBD - Bishop Ortiz's Farewell
    • September 1 | Bishop Term Begins
    • November 9 | Bishop Installation