Pastoral Supply List Available Here
As vaccines roll-out and temperatures warm many of our rostered ministers have started thinking about taking much needed time off. The Synod Directory contains the most up-to-date Supply List. You can find it at the top of the Synod website or through...
Sabbath Mini-Grants Available Once Again for Rostered Ministers
The New and Renewing Missions Table has allotted funding for more sabbath mini grants! Any rostered minister of the Metro D.C. Synod is invited to submit a Sabbath mini-grant application for a $500 grant to support personal rest and renewal....
LYO Applications Now Being Accepted
The application process for our high school leadership development program, the Lutheran Youth Organization, is now open! If you know of a youth who will be in grades 9-12 next year and shows gifts for leadership, please invite them to...
Peace Lutheran in Alexandria Goes Green with Solar Roof
Peace Lutheran in Alexandria recently completed their John Clark Solar Project by working with Ipsun Solar to install 189 solar panels on their roof and helping to ensure a bright future for the next generation. “It’s about saying to the...
Synod Assembly Update from Bishop Ortiz Grace and Peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. It’s that time of year. It’s preparing for synod assembly time of year. And this one will be like nothing we’ve done before. This assembly will be completely...
Keeping Climate Change in View by Pastor Sarah Scherschligt
Hello everyone. I’m Sarah Scherschligt, the pastor of Peace Lutheran in Alexandria. As an environmentalist, I have been encouraged by the Synod’s response to the coronavirus. We took the threat seriously and valued human health and well-being. We proclaimed the...
A Statement on the Verdict on the Derek Chauvin Trial
From the Metro D.C. Synod Racial Equity Team We can stand with the jury and say that they got it right in holding Derek Chauvin accountable for a death delivering act of violence. May this verdict of guilty be part of...
Letter from Deacon Julie Stecker Regarding Youth + Family Ministries
To the young people and the adults who support them in the Metro D.C. and Delaware-Maryland Synods, This past year has been…well, there are a lot of words you could fill in there. For me, that list would include stressful,...
Draft Plan for Racial Justice in the Metro D.C. Synod of the ELCA
Read Draft Plan in Spanish The Metro DC Synod Council issued a letter on October 7, 2020 that called on the synod and its congregations to take steps to dismantle white supremacy within the church and society at- large. Moreover,...
Holy Week Devotionals Now Available!
Each day of Holy Week, Synod Staff and Synod Council members are sharing video devotionals to center our hearts as we prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can watch the devotionals on our YouTube page, below...