God’s irresistible call
A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP When first elected presiding bishop, I was often asked what it meant to be the first woman entrusted with this call. I didn’t like that question then. I’m still ambivalent about it...
Sustainable power through women’s activity
On this International Women’s Day, our Metro D.C. Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO) encourages us with initiative both empowering and powering. A ribbon-cutting success was celebrated in November 2017 when Phebe Hospital in Liberia achieved self-reliance through solar power, allowing them...
Energy efficiency upgrade in Waldorf
When he peeks outside to check the weather, Don Zimmer may be seeing numbers as well as the forecast. "On the two days this week where we had good sun, we offset 77% and 73%," he reported to his congregation...
There has to be a way to feed all
by Dorothy Sorrell Maria Rose Belding, MEANS Database cofounder and executive director As a 16-year-old volunteering at a food bank, Maria Rose Belding, an ELCA member, saw food that was thrown away because of expiration dates...
A valentine gift from God
A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP “Love means never having to say you’re sorry” (Love Story). “Forgiveness guaranteed. Repentance optional” (sign in front of a Lutheran church). This year Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day...
Church speak
A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP A colleague at the Lutheran Center related this story. An unchurched friend of hers was visiting and noticed her Advent calendar. “What is Advent?” she asked. A simple question. But my colleague...
Punto de referencia para nuestros viajes
SALUDO NAVIDEÑO DE NUESTRO OBISPO RICHARD GRAHAM Están sucediendo muchas cosas ahora, y estamos todos muy activos. Pero aun así la gente ama el Adviento, y creo que esto se debe a que ni siquiera la actividad de ésta temporada...
Landmark for our travels
A SEASON'S GREETING FROM OUR BISHOP There is a lot going on now, and we’re all bustling. But people love Advent anyway, and I believe this is because not even the seasonal busyness can detract from the news that Jesus...
Building Puentes with Caribbean islands
San Pedro church members and friends out delivering supplies in Toa Baja. Recovery on islands of the Caribbean after havoc wrought in September 2017 by Hurricane Maria is pressing and challenging. “The brightest star on its...
Living in a broken world
A MONTHLY MESSAGE FROM THE ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP As I write this the Gulf Coast and Florida are starting the long recovery after hurricanes Harvey and Irma; Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are mostly without electricity and running low...