Synod Podcast Episode 3 – To be (or not to be) Called
Pastor Julie Bringman, Katie Evans, and Carrie Pritts join Bishop Leila Ortiz to delve into how they have felt God stirring and moving in their lives, and how they formalized their listening during a six-month period of discernment. As they...
Important Announcement from Pastor Lamar Bailey
Grace and peace from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. After a long period of discernment and spiritual direction, I have decided to resign from synod staff effective July 14, 2023. This was not an easy or quick decision, but...
Employee Retention Credit
Many congregations took advantage of the Paycheck Protection Plan funds offered by the federal government during the pandemic. There is now a second source of funds that may be available to you: the Employee Retention Tax Credit. While this credit...
Synod Podcast Episode 2 with Pastor Kevin Vandiver
Pastor Kevin Vandiver, Senior Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Reformation in Washington D.C., discusses with Bishop Leila Ortiz what it means to be "Inspired by the Holy Spirit". Not just what it means to be inspired in ministry, but...
Bishop Ortiz’s Statement on Anti-Transgender Legislation
Dear Beloved Colleagues and Friends in Christ, In keeping with our mission to boldly and boundlessly love Jesus and God’s beloved creation, we present this statement on Anti-Trans Legislation. I am mindful that while our synod has been a Reconciling in...
Synod Podcast Episode 1 Now Available!
Bishop Leila and the Metro D.C. Synod staff have developed a new bi-weekly podcast for those who are fully aware that we are in a moment of history that demands our attention and intentionality. The world is about to turn!...
Recording: Town Hall With Bishop Leila
Watch the livestream recording from Bishop's town hall on May 18, 2023.
Racial Equity Audit – Update #2
Read the latest update on the Racial Equity Audit and the Strategic Planning Team in this handout.