Better together

Group 236

The Rev. Leila Ortiz, Assistant to the Bishop, shares her report with a positive spirit and confidence in “walking alongside you – the church.” She recognized those that have received calls over the past year, those in candidacy, and those currently serving throughout our synod. “By the grace of God, we [press on] and believe in the move of the Spirit to guide our discernment as we continue to call gifted rostered ministers into our synod.” Pr. Ortiz is committed that the church is better together, especially when making new connections and responding to the Spirit’s invitation to move with Her into new opportunities for ministry.

The Rev. Phil Hirsch, Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop, shares the good and life-giving work that he does and how making connections, building relationships, and including new people into the life of our ministries is our ultimate goal. “When leaders agree and work toward a goal, they are more likely to reach it!”


To do this, he encourages three things. First, pray Together – Prayer should be your oxygen. How is prayer fueling your life? What are you doing to pray together with those you are doing ministry with and among? Second, invest in leadership. We need to call on each other to support one another. This comes in a variety of ways and looks different for every congregation, council, and rostered leader. Lastly, follow a Strategy. The Synod has tools and resources for you! Make sure to reach out and try out new ways for yourself and your ministry.