Bishop’s Report: Synod Doing Great Things
Not duplicating his written report*, Bishop Graham highlighted some exciting happenings in the synod in his oral remarks.
Two congregations in the synod, both in Maryland, have closed their doors, and this has allowed the synod to dream and do some things that it may not have thought possible.
- Young adult ministries among us have been blossoming.
- A ministry has been started, in partnership with the Delaware-Maryland Synod, with people from India.
- “We’re doing some great things, and that’s part of what we’ve come together to talk about,” Bishop Graham said.
Another exciting thing that the synod is contributing to is the ELCA Malaria Campaign, and he called on Dorothy Sorrell to encourage members and congregations to support it.
In conclusion, Bishop Graham said that he prays that those gathered together in assembly will come to a better understanding of our church, ourselves and our Lord’s claim on us.
Editor’s note: Bishop Grahams written remarks, “Is there a pattern?” have been posted to the Forum blog.