Bold and Boundless Love: A Lasting Inheritance

A Letter from Bishop Ortiz
The Metro D.C. Synod is seeking to fund two critical initiatives that will shape our synod for generations to come. This is not just a financial goal; it’s a commitment to bold, unapologetic action in response to the Gospel’s demands for justice.
Your financial gift will be split equally between two crucial funds:
Will you join in responding to the Spirit’s bold and audacious invitation? Gifts can be made to the Bishop’s Appeal to help shape a more just and equitable church for generations to come.
Every contribution, regardless of size, brings us closer to our goal. Together, we can co-create the groundwork for a church that truly embodies the gospel of Jesus Christ; one that insists upon life abundant for all…with God’s help and in Jesus’ name.
Click here to read the letter from Bishop Ortiz.