Can you name a failure? Great!

Group 236

Questions to help a congregation discern if they are THRIVING or SURVIVING spiritually were posed to a group in the ELCA LaCrosse Area Synod recently by the Rev. Mike Woods of Minnesota.

  • Can you identify an occasion in the last year when the congregation chose faith over fear? Tell me about it.
  • Can you name things your congregation has tried that failed in the past year? (Note: If you didn’t fail at anything, you probably didn’t try anything new.)
  • Can you name ten people who were spiritually transformed in your congregation in the past year? What did that look like?

“No special occasion,” said Julie K. Aageson, coordinator, ELCA Resource Centers, who passed on the questions (ELCA Resource Centers online). They were just used to get a clergy care group thinking and talking… and me and maybe you, too!