Encouragement pushes Martin

25 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY After the trip to Rome, Martin Luther returned to Wittenberg to resume his teaching duties. There, on October 19, 1512, the University appointed him Doctor…

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Sharing the Kaddish

by Bishop Graham It was an honor to attend the National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance in the Capitol Rotunda yesterday morning. Sponsored by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum…

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Trip to Rome

26 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Martin Luther’s trip to Rome during 1511/1512 (the exact date is disputed) had a major impact on his life. By then, he had begun to…

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Ample eggs and happy hearts

27 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Martin Luther and his namesake college in Iowa share the fact that each has embraced the Easter egg hunt. Luther College hosts a Flashlight Easter…

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28 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY The city of Erfurt, Germany was the setting for much of Martin Luther’s emergence as a reformer. Here he began his studies in 1501, and…

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Easter lilies and Easter visitors

by Karen Krueger “Treat everyone like they are coming home for family dinner, and you’re just happy to see them and catch up. That feeling will dwell deep… and God…

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Accomplished years

29 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY The years between 1517 and 1525 are critical in the shaping of Martin Luther as a reformer. The nailing of the 95 Theses on the…

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Countdown to Reformation Sunday

Short, factual and historical blogs on Luther’s life leading up to October 31st Reformation observance are packaged for us to share in congregation bulletin inserts, Facebook posts and tweets. Our…

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Man and myth

30 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY A legend begins that Martin Luther, walking on a clear December night, was so dazzled by the bright stars shining above that he returned and…

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It takes longer than lightening

31 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Some journeys in life take time. Such could be said was the case with Martin Luther. After his encounter with the thunderstorm, he withdrew from…

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