CFC and UW #s list

Many in our area participate in the Combined Federal Campaign or United Way Campaign at their place of employment. If you’re thinking about designating your donation to an organization affiliated…

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The Gospel in a Digital World

“Each week pastors spend time studying a biblical text, prayerfully meditating, doing background research, and coming up with personal illustrations,” writes Kayla Fuller, Director of Communications of our neighboring Virginia…

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Malaria campaign goal reached!

“Please spread the word that the Malaria Campaign has reached its goal, and thanks to all who have contributed!” says Dorothy Sorrell, synod ELCA Malaria Campaign coordinator. “We are honored…

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Life course not in catalog

“In a college atmosphere of competition and an intense focus on individual performance, Jesus’ words of love and grace are even more important for students to hear and embody,” says…

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Synod has a little style

by Karen Krueger Have you heard of a Style Guide? It aids consistency when projecting ourselves through communications in the big, wide world. I want to be sure you know…

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Using our Living Voice

by the Rev. Heidi Moore, Worship Team Chair I was asked to give you all a taste of what the ELCA Worship Jubilee was about and talk about where the…

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Continued work to overcome racism

Our congregation in Bermuda quickly moved into action upon conclusion of the 2015 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly. Urged by the “Racism and the Events in Charleston” (link to pdf file)…

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Thanks Patrick!

Vicar Patrick Ballard pinch hit several behind-the-scenes tasks during Synod Assembly. I want to express my gratitude for his rapid-fire, factual and faith reflective writing of the blog from the…

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