Fed and hungry

After a series of fruitful lunchtime workshops and discussions, the Saturday afternoon session began with a vote approving the Mission Spending Plan for the synod. Moving again into Reference and…

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Reflective Saturday morning

The Saturday morning session began by announcing that 278 rostered and lay leaders and visitors are in attendance for this 2015 assembly. Results of elections were then announced, with leaders…

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Luther Reading Challenge

Ever been in an online book discussion guided by the 8th Commandment? More than 1600 people have already joined an online community to read and discuss Luther’s theology in preparation…

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Always enriching

Our Synod Assembly brings together many of us across the nearly 80 congregations, including our newest: River of Grace Lutheran Church! Synod leaders behind the scenes include John Handley, our…

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Resolutions/Memorials express synod views

The session moved forward, taking up three resolutions before breaking for dinner.  1) In a resolution passed without discussion, the assembly resolved to send greetings to other ELCA synods in…

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Joy in the work

Still ahead of schedule, the Synod Assembly pressed forward into the final plenary session of the day after a delicious snack break sponsored by the Mission Investment Fund. This session…

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Nourished not napping after lunch

MONEY MATTERS Our bodies nourished from a delicious lunch, we returned to the ballroom to hear the Treasurer’s Report and the Report on Compensation Guidelines. Dr. John White presented a…

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Light of 2015

SPECIAL GUESTS After taking care of some procedural pieces, the Synod Assembly welcomes guests. A smattering brought greetings, including from The Moravian Church with which we are celebrating 16 years…

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Meet today’s blogger

Vicar Patrick Ballard is lending us his gifts today as our Guest Blogger. Ballard is serving a yearlong internship at Lutheran Church of the Reformation on Capitol Hill in conjunction…

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Focus on fruitful

Almost all attendees have arrived, navigated through registration, mingled a bit, and the 2015 Metro D.C. Synod Assembly kicks off with worship together. The musical stylings of Lost & Found…

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