Is Jesus the one for us?

Sooner or later you come to a time in your life when you have to stop drifting along and you have to raise some serious questions. Sooner or later you get…

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What’s in a number?

Worship attendance has, for many years, been considered the gold standard for determining a congregation’s size. Membership used to be the standard, but that changed some years ago when it…

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Working with copyrighted material

Today’s technology is used by many of our congregations in worship and on Web sites. Church Mutual, the synod’s insurance carrier, has highlighted several considerations when performing or copying copyrighted…

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Synod Assembly Worship Invitation

Worship has always been a highlight of our time together in Synod Assembly. Take part in the Fall Session’s worship service on Saturday, September 25 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church…

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At Home Abroad

The Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod is the smallest synod geographically in the ELCA. Unlike many of the ELCA’s 65 synod bishops, Bishop Graham could probably drive across the synod in an hour…

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