Summer of discovery

Campers may swim, canoe, fish, creek walk, play games, hike, cookout over a campfire, create crafts, worship, pray… but will certainly be immersed in a summer of discovery led by…

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Valued Companion Synod ties

Our synod celebrates Companion Synod ties with the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia (ECAV) this year on Companion Synod Sunday. Pictured is a poster from Bratislava seminary,…

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Linking resource of Admins

by Katharyn Wheeler After attending an ELCA-wide synod administration network meeting this past summer, I realized there’s a missing part of our work together in the Metro D.C. Synod. There…

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New tax law and your organization

Will the changes in tax law really affect people’s giving to your church? Our friend and stewardship consultant, Mike Ward, thinks it won’t, and I agree. Here’s why… OPPORTUNITIES TO…

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War of more than words

WEEK OF REFORMATION SUNDAY Earlier reformers, particularly Johann Huss (1369-1415), laid the basis for an eventual challenge to the medieval church’s doctrine and practices. In the fall of 1517, Martin…

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Street sign is public theology

by Karen Krueger As she drives from congregation to congregation in our synod, the Rev. Leila Ortiz sees lots of church signs. “It’s public theology,” she observes. “Your sign is…

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Life sustaining spiritual truths

1 WEEK BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY To mediate a family dispute, Martin Luther travelled in late January 1546, despite various health struggles, to the city of his birth. There in Eiseleben…

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Art conveys reforms

2 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY By the late 1530s and early 1540s, Martin Luther’s reform efforts in Germany reached even into the world of art. A case in point can…

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Calvin emerges as leader

3 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY As Scandinavian Lutheran churches took root during the 1530s and 1540s, a new leader emerged to further expand the Protestant Reformation. In Geneva, Switzerland, French-born…

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Linguistic innovations while translating

4 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY As the Turkish threat to Europe receded, Martin Luther’s influence on the unfolding Reformation continued to expand. Impact of his efforts can be tracked in a…

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