Ottoman Empire at doorstep

5 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY During the 1530s, Martin Luther stepped forth at yet another critical moment in history. The spread of the Ottoman Empire into the Balkans and Hungary brought the…

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Bugenhagen expands reforms north

6 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY “Martin Luther did not reform the church by himself,” notes one source.  An obvious example is Philipp Melanchthon, who helped Luther shape his theological ideas…

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Augsburg Confession presented

7 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY During the late 1520s, Martin Luther worked tirelessly to establish a firm basis for the Reformation. He focused more than ever on preaching and writing.…

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Posting as a church on social media

by Karen Krueger Two concrete areas came up in an exchange about social media policy in congregations recently. Church kids The ELCA discusses children/youth and social media exposure in a…

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Rebel seeks Reformation stabilization

9 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Upon return to unfolding social and political disorder in Wittenberg during early 1522, Martin Luther the rebel monk now needed to become a force for…

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New idea implementation

10 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY In 1516, Andreas Karlstadt anticipated Martin Luther by posting his own theses – 151 of them – for debate, focusing on clerical abuses. Karlstadt had…

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Protective custody

11 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Martin Luther began the journey from Worms to Wittenberg on April 26, 1512, – promised safe passage by Emperor Charles V – with a large…

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Recantation neither right nor safe

12 WEEKS BEFORE REFORMATION SUNDAY Rarely in human history has one individual’s views had such an immediate and far-reaching impact. After the debates between Johann Eck and Martin Luther in…

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