Coffee with Bishop Ortiz – Tuesday, April 14

Group 236

Everyone – pastors, deacons, lay leaders, members – from the Metro D.C. Synod are invited to get together for “Coffee with the Bishop” on Tuesday April 14th at 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, or 3:00 PM via Zoom

Register today by clicking below and come ready to share your 6-word story of Jesus in your life.

Why 6 words? Because I want to hear from all of you. This week, friends, I ask that as we journey toward the cross, we ask ourselves, “Who is this… to and for me? How exactly does Jesus’ story matter to me? What is my story of faith as I endure grief, loss, and sadness? Who is this… for me, with me, today, right now?”

Tell me your story with Jesus just as his friends and followers did (in my imagination) during his triumphant entry into the city.

I genuinely cannot wait to be flooded and overwhelmed by Jesus’ faithfulness through your testimonies. And I’d love to hear from the whole family!