leadership academy
Equipping & Developing Healthy Leaders
With the Leadership Academy - an educational program hosted by industry and theological experts - the goal is to equip, educate and develop rostered and lay leaders within the Metro D.C. Synod with the knowledge and tools they need to lead vibrant ministries. Most sessions are held on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
From developing a successful planned giving program to learning about communication tools to better tell your story, you can expect to leave each session uplifted and empowered to serve in the capacity God is calling you.

Resources from Previous Sessions
Katharyn Wheeler, Intern for Youth + Family Ministry and Assistant to the Bishop, shares information about the upcoming events and opportunities for youth and families with the synod.
This session was originally presented on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Racial Equity Team member Duke Taylor led an online Leadership Academy workshop on how to navigate conflict through Crucial Conversations: Techniques for When Opinions Vary. The Crucial Conversations workshop focuses on recognizing when a conversation becomes crucial, and introduces ways to prepare your heart by mastering your story, making it safe to state your path while exploring others, and moving to action while facing tough challenges.
Session 1 | Originally presented on Thursday, September 19.
Session 2 | Originally presented on Thursday, October 17.
Session 3 | Coming November 21
Katharyn Wheeler, Intern for Youth + Family Ministry and Assistant to the Bishop, shares information about the upcoming events and opportunities for youth and families with the synod.
This session was originally presented on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
The Impact of Lived Theologies on Pastoral Practices, led by Rev. Dr. Rode Molla, provided pastors and leaders with care practices to create welcoming spaces. Dr. Molla's book, A Postcolonial Political Theology of Care and Praxis in Ethiopia's Era of Identity Politics, provided the basis for this session exploring how leaders may sustain lived and embodied theologies that impede holistic flourishing for their congregations or institutions.
This session was originally presented on May 16, 2024.
A special Earth Day Leadership Academy session with Melody Starya Mobley explored how we, as families, can "Learn, Live, and Love God's Good Creation" while exploring the great outdoors and our faith.
This session was originally recorded on Thursday, April 18, 2024.
Rev. Dr. Rode Molla facilitated a workshop called Let’s Talk: Are Children Spiritual Enough? This workshop affirmed and explored children's spirituality and provided spaces for the participants to co-create and discern contextually relevant and children's spiritualty-informed practices.
This session was originally presented on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
This online session presented by the Creation Care team was around Richard Hoehn's book, We Carry the Fire: Family and Citizenship as Spiritual Calling.
This session was originally presented on February 22, 2024.
Council Members, new and returning, were invited to an orientation led by the synod staff and synod attourney, John Van De Weert.
We walked through church leadership best practices, constitution & bylaw processes, financial management, membership roles and answered any questions about council leadership roles.
This session was originally presented on February 17, 2024.
Representatives from Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA) facilitated a discussion on volunteering best practices; the challenges facing organizations and congregations related to volunteering; and how to get more people to volunteer within your congregation and externally.
This session was originally presented on January 18, 2024.
The inaugural leadership summit was held in-person on Saturday, October 21 including 6 workshops and a keynote address from Bishop Hassanally.
On October 23, 2023, Richard Hoehn highlighted the United Nations Sustainability Goals and these incredibly important areas for mutual awareness. This session was presented in partnership with the Metro D.C. Synod's Creation Justice team.
Receptive Ecumenism is both a way of thinking and a process that enables unity to be built by receiving gifts from others. It challenges us to not think of what others might benefit from receiving from us, but instead invites us to recognize our needs and to put ourselves in the place of being a recipient. Instead of asking what other Church traditions need to learn from us, we ask what our tradition needs to learn from them – what we can receive which is of God.
The presenter is Fr. John Crossin, a lifelong ecumenist, a moral theologian, and a dedicated servant of the whole Church. The moderator is ELCA pastor, Scott Ickert.
This session was originally presented on December 1, 2022.
This Racial Equity Network meeting includes:
- Learning about the Sacred Ground small group discussion opportunities - what the Synod has done and how you can share in this amazing program.
- Sharing the ways we are connecting such as a private Facebook Group for the Faith in Action Racial Equity Network; and resources we are developing.
- Hearing from members of the network and what they are doing in their churches since our last meeting.
This session was originally presented on November 2, 2022.
Nicole Roop and the Youth + Family ministry team provides an overview of the upcoming youth events and the value of the LYO supporting the student leaders in the synod.
This session was originally hosted on October 10, 2022.
Learn more about the World Council of Churches, the actions taken during the recent assembly and why they matter to the congregations and synods of the ELCA.
This session was originally hosted on September 22, 2022.
The Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations Committee offered a three-session series in the summer of 2022. Presenters from different ecumenical backgrounds shared their encounters with God through scripture, prayer, and discussion.
June 2, 2022 Session Materials
Hear from Kelly Champagne, owner of Evoke Engagement Experts, about how you can reduce your communications burden by focusing on these 5 main areas of communication.
This session was originally hosted on October 22, 2022.
Hear from congregations around the synod and what they are doing to promote racial equity and how you too can start a racial equity team in your congregation.
This session was originally hosted on July 21, 2022.
This webinar focused on the ecumenical and inter-religious perspectives regarding Earth Day, with helpful information about Earth Day, the biblical and theological basis for environmental work, as well as relevant policy documents, and information about upcoming events and activities related to Earth Day. Hosted by Pastor Sarah Scherschligt of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Sarah is the convener of the Metro DC Synod’s Creation Justice Team and is also a board member of the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions.
Session Originally held on April 5, 2022.
Bishop Gohl and Bishop Ortiz hosted a day of renewal for rostered leaders of both synods at Mar-Lu-Ridge on Wednesday, February 1.
Andrew Steele of LIRS and Rev. Lucille “CeCee” Mills of the North Carolina Synod, presented a 90-minute session titled “Transforming Generosity Through Storytelling”.
- Learn why sharing our stories is important and impactful
- Practice sharing a story in a small group guided by proven methods from our speakers
- Shift your mindset from transactional giving to the transformational joy of generosity
Session Originally Presented on April 22, 2021
Whether you call it a budget or mission spending plan, a mission spending plan can be a powerful ministry tool – it can tell the story of God’s work in your congregation and community.
Session Originally Presented on August 26, 2021.
To better assist our rostered ministers and ministry sites during leadership transitions, the Metro D.C. Synod provided an informational session about the importance of ending/leaving ministry well. These sessions were led by Rev. Glenn E. Ludwig.
Session Originially Presented on October 20 & 21, 2021.
Emmanuel Lutheran in Vienna, VA established an endowment fund that grew 4-fold in 4 months. Filled with hope and vision, members are investing in expanding Emmanuel’s ministry now and in the future through current and planned gifts. Learn more in this conversation with the ELC Endowment team & Yvonne Lembo.
Session Originially Presented on October 14, 2021.
Abigail Visco Rusert and Carmelle Beaugelin of Princeton Theological Seminary led a youth and family ministry focused workshop where we explore the role of rest and resilience in ministry, using theological reflection and hands-on processes.
Session Originally Presented on October 15, 2020.
Rev. Karis Graham and Alyssa Prinzivalli discuss the anguish and isolation familiar to those who have contemplated suicide and have experienced the mental and emotional pain of mental illness. Many resources are also shared.
Session Originally Presented on October 22, 2020.
As faith leaders, we have a unique and important role to play in helping strengthen democracy, caring for our congregants, serving as sources of trustworthy information and strengthening the communities we are part of by preparing for potential unrest.
Session Originally Presented on October 29, 2020
This specific training, Council Leadership 101, addressed: new attendance reporting guidelines submitting online forms to the ELCA and Synod Office, and maintaining the Parish Register.
Session Originally Presented on May 14, 2020
Julie Hamre, Synod Treasurer, presents the three areas of Financial Management that church leadership should be monitoring.
Session Originally Presented on May 28, 2020
Council Leadership 103: Congregational Constitutions and Council Member Responsibilities was presented by Kevin Anderson, Synod Council Secretary and William Tuttle, Synod Attorney.
Session Originally Presented on June 11, 2020
Rev. Dr. Karis Graham and Rev. Dr. Erin Swenson-Reinhold explore burn-out signals while offering resources and support for staying healthy in ministry.
Session Originally Presented on May 21, 2020
Pastor Sarah S. Scherschligt and Don Craig present why Lutherans care for creation, how climate change is related to racial justice, and practical steps congregations and individuals can take.
Session Originally Presented on June 26, 2020.
In July of 2020, a racial equity series was presented online including three industry-leading speakers, Rev. Dr. Stephen Ray, Dr. Ulysses Burley and Rozella H. White. Topics such as Lutheran Theology and African religion, public health and the COVID criss as well as community leadership were discussed.
As we needed to pivot to online worship due to COVID-19, Katie Simbala and Kelly Champagne offer up suggestions to make your digital worship engaging as well as what technology is available to make your online worship better!
Session Originally Presented on April 16, 2020
GSB Partner, Rev. Mike Ward, CFRE offered a one-hour virtual opportunity to explore stewardship in uncertain times.
Session Originally Presented on April 23, 2020
A conversation and sharing of insights about preaching the Good News during a crisis hosted by Pastor Lamar Bailey, (Director for Evangelical Mission, Metro, DC Synod) featuring Pastor Hank Langknecht, formerly Professor of Homiletics at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.
Session Originally Presented on May 7, 2020