An Important Letter from Synod Council

Group 236

October 7, 2020

Dear Beloved Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod,

We, the members of Synod Council, write to you to convey the aches of our hearts in this moment of racial reckoning for our country.  We lament for the sins of racial injustice and white supremacy, and we recommit to building a more just and equitable society.  The Synod Council has engaged in discernment together over what is ours to do, what is ours to learn, and how we might lead the synod in this moment with faithfulness and integrity.  Through this letter, we acknowledge that our engagement with, and commitment to, these issues must continue and we invite you to join us in this lament, learning, and next steps.

As you engage this letter and the systemic issues highlighted within, you are invited into conversation with the Synod Council and Bishop’s office as a child of God and a congregation of the Metro D.C. Synod and the ELCA.