Discard money-talk reluctance
“I believe the journey of raising money is holy work,” says Rebecca Jorgenson Sundquist in a “Best of” tips article sifted out from her capital campaign work.* “Conversations about money are holy conversations. Head straight in!”
No need to freak out when it’s time to talk about money in the congregation. Synod workshop will get you ready.
Reluctant? Equip leaders in your congregation with confidence and tools at a synod-hosted Stewardship Workshop on either the morning of March 7 or March 21. Our experienced presenter is Paul Erbes, Gift Officer for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. (Register online and find details from this link.) Attending can have a big impact, as participants will learn practical implementable steps customized for your congregation.
Observations from Sundquist include these gems:
- Be clear with your congregation about who has access to giving information… My observation is there are many assumptions about privacy issues around giving information in congregations.
- Here are some tasks to do before embarking on a campaign. Get your database in order. Campaigns are tipping points for getting the database up to date.
- I have yet to meet anyone who gave money away because of tax implications. It may be an added benefit, but overall, giving decisions never start at the tax level no matter how much money a person has. Giving money away starts at the heart level.
- Pray before your meetings, pray during your meetings, pray at the conclusion of your meetings, pray between your meetings. God wants to be a part of every single detail of your campaign.
*Read Sundquist’s full list in “What a Stewardship Consultant Wants Pastors to Know about Capital Campaigns” (2/24/15), excerpted here by permission of the author, on the Center for Stewardship Leaders blog of Luther Seminary.