documents & forms


Annual Forms to Submit to ELCA & Synod

Here is quick access to regular annual forms that are to be submitted by every congregation to the ELCA or to the Synod office.

Your congregation’s 2024 Form A, your Rostered Ministers Report to the Synod Bishop, and 2025 congregational intents are due on March 1, 2025. 

Annual Rostered Ministers Report

All Rostered Ministers, whether in a call, on leave from call or retired, must submit an annual report to the Synod Bishop. Rostered Minister Reports should be downloaded and saved under a different file name starting with your last name.

Once completed, your report can be sent via email to Bishop Ortiz at and cc’ed to Katharyn Wheeler at Katharyn will contact you to schedule a time for a brief meeting with Bishop Ortiz by phone after receiving your report.

ELCA Annual Forms

To assist with preparation of your forms, please reference the information below.

Congregations in Transition Resources

For communities of faith, transitions are fertile ground for God’s transformational work. When a congregation begins this journey of transformation, the Metro D.C. Synod staff accompanies congregations and rostered ministers along the way.

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Administrative Resources

Here are some quick links to necessary documents your congregation administrators or leadership may find helpful.

Child & Youth Protection

Youth Protection Policy for Synod-sponsored Youth Events
The “Youth Protection Policy for Synod-sponsored Youth Events” was adopted by the Synod Council in 2013, and highlights policies to care for and protect children including our synod’s background check policy.

Developing/revising a Child Protection Policy in your congregation?
When you call the synod office, we can provide guidance and direct you to other congregations with existing policies.

Resource List
Although some links may no longer be active since being compiled in 2013, an “Information on Raising Awareness of or Responses to Sexual Abuse” resource list is available which points to child/youth protection, sexual harassment and general resources; and policy samples.

Portico Benefit Services

You can view and download the following forms from Portico Benefit Services:

  • Change of Call Report
  • End of Call Notification
  • Rollover forms for ELCA Retirement Plan

Regional Representative for Portico Benefits
Pastor Tara Lynn |
Customer Care Center | 800.352.2846

Model Constitution & Bylaws

This current edition of the Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America contains changes adopted by all church-wide assemblies.

Before & after your congregational vote to amend your constitution, please send the entire document (preferably in Word format), not just the amended portions, to the Synod Secretary at for review and approval.


Administrative Resources

Here are some quick links to necessary documents your congregation administrators or leadership may find helpful.

Synod Staff Engagement

If you have a request for a synod staff member to visit your congregation or event, please complete this engagement form that will help them to prepare and arrive on time.

The synod policy is that all congregations/ministries requesting the attendance of a synod staff member complete this engagement form and send all materials at least two weeks in advance of the event for final confirmation of the attendance of the staff person.

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Synod Directory

The Metro D.C. Synod has a helpful directory of all congregations in the synod and their corresponding conferences, synod staff and council contact information, tables & committees list, other ELCA resources and a supply preaching list!
