documents & forms
Annual Forms to Submit to ELCA & Synod
Here is quick access to regular annual forms that are to be submitted by every congregation to the ELCA or to the Synod office.
Your congregation’s 2024 Form A, your Rostered Ministers Report to the Synod Bishop, and 2025 congregational intents are due on March 1, 2025.
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Administrative Resources
Here are some quick links to necessary documents your congregation administrators or leadership may find helpful.
Administrative Resources
Here are some quick links to necessary documents your congregation administrators or leadership may find helpful.
Synod Staff Engagement
If you have a request for a synod staff member to visit your congregation or event, please complete this engagement form that will help them to prepare and arrive on time.
The synod policy is that all congregations/ministries requesting the attendance of a synod staff member complete this engagement form and send all materials at least two weeks in advance of the event for final confirmation of the attendance of the staff person.

Synod Directory
The Metro D.C. Synod has a helpful directory of all congregations in the synod and their corresponding conferences, synod staff and council contact information, tables & committees list, other ELCA resources and a supply preaching list!