Encountering ‘spiritual but not religious’

Group 236

The phrase “spiritual but not religious” must strike a chord, because when the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli wrote about it for a Duke Divinity School blog, comments flew and the United Methodist Church picked it up for their home page. Pr. Sevimli is Assistant to the Bishop of the ELCA Metro D.C. Synod.

The Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli

Pr. Sevimli

Calling the phrase a coversational “starting point,” Pr. Sevimli wrote, “I firmly believe that the best way we can connect people with God in Christ — and with the way we worship that God in church — is by first listening to their spiritual story and only then telling our own.” Read “The ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Starting Point” (9/2/11) in full from Call and Response, the Duke University blog, and even add your own comment.