Synod Podcast Episode 5 – Bold & Boundless in Your Own Way

God’s invitation into this holy work is also an invitation to boldly be ourselves and to be boundless in our love for Christ. Pastor Ben Hogue and Jennifer Slagle Peck share how they have been inspired by the authentic acts of others throughout their faith journeys to boldly follow Christ in and through their leadership roles within the Metro D.C. Synod.
Jennifer serves as the synod council vice president and reflects on the council’s bold and necessary decision in 2021 to address systemic racism in this country and the Church through the implementation of a racial justice plan. Transformation and liberation only happens when we are in relationship with one another. Pastor Ben Hogue reminds us that sharing our stories is so powerful and allows people to relate in new and different ways.
Sometimes being bold in our discipleship looks like the small but impactful steps we take every day to “call people out or call people in” to the work of the Holy Spirit. We must be bold enough to disagree, yet boundless in our love for God’s people that we continue in relationship with one another for the sake of the Gospel.
What would it look like for you to truly be bold and boundless in your daily life?