Ecumenical Connections Webinar | September 22


Right now, the World Council of Churches (WCC), an international ecumenical body that the ELCA is a member of, is hosting its international assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany. This assembly is the most diverse Christian gathering of its size in the world with over 4,000 participants. To learn more about the WCC, the actions taken during the…

Mandatory Boundaries Training: Gender Justice

The Metro D.C. Synod is partnering with synods from Region 9 to offer three sessions of the Boundaries Training. This session is mandatory for all rostered ministers (active and retired) to attend once a year. All sessions are held on Zoom and you only need to attend ONE of the sessions listed. This year's training…

Youth+Family Ministry Town Hall


All who serve or volunteer with children, youth and families are invited to the Youth+Family Ministry Town Hall on Monday, October 10 at 6:00 PM on Zoom. Come meet Nicole Roop, the new coordinator of the Youth+Family ministry partnership between Metro D.C. and Delaware-Maryland synods as well as other mentors and leaders who help out…

Focus on 5 Communication Areas & Ignore the Rest

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church 12351 All Saints Place, Woodbridge, VA, United States

- Updating your website each week - Navigating Facebook's constantly changing platform - Writing an article for the church newsletter every month - Connecting with folks worshipping online The list of communication-related tasks can be overwhelming for a full-time staff person let alone for the majority of churches that have volunteers and staff sharing the…

Bishops’ Day of Renewal: Advent Preaching

Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp & Retreat Center 3200 Mar Lu Ridge Rd, Jefferson, MD, United States

Bishop Leila Ortiz and Bishop Bill Gohl (Delaware-Maryland Synod) are pleased to partner with our shared outdoor ministry, Mar-Lu-Ridge, to offer a retreat and renewal opportunity for Pastors and Deacons in our synods. The Rev. Francisco Javier Goitía Padilla will be leading this Advent/Christmas Preaching themed one-day retreat. If you cannot join in person, there will be an…

Faith in Action: Racial Equity Network


You are invited to the Metro D.C. Synod’s Faith in Action Racial Equity Network virtual meeting on Wednesday, November 2 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM on Zoom! The meeting agenda includes: Learning about the Sacred Ground small group discussion opportunities - what the Synod has done and how you can share in this amazing program. Sharing…

Ecumenical Connections: Receptive Ecumenism


The Metro D.C. Synod’s Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations Committee (EIRC) will be hosting another webinar on Thursday, December 1, at 7:00 PM regarding “Receptive Ecumenism”. Receptive Ecumenism is both a way of thinking and a process that enables unity to be built by receiving gifts from others. It challenges us to not think of what…


The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks Series


The Stewardship and Mission Support Table has been reading Diana Butler Bass's book "Grateful" and would like to share some of the practices from this incredible book with you and your congregation. Through a 6-week online series using a film study guide created by The Work of the People, you are invited to meet with others on…


The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks Series


The Stewardship and Mission Support Table has been reading Diana Butler Bass's book "Grateful" and would like to share some of the practices from this incredible book with you and your congregation. Through a 6-week online series using a film study guide created by The Work of the People, you are invited to meet with others on…


The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks Series


The Stewardship and Mission Support Table has been reading Diana Butler Bass's book "Grateful" and would like to share some of the practices from this incredible book with you and your congregation. Through a 6-week online series using a film study guide created by The Work of the People, you are invited to meet with others on…