Participate in the DC Pride Parade

It has been almost three years since congregations from across the Metro D.C. Synod came together to participate in the DC Pride Parade in Festival. We are very excited to coordinate efforts to participate as a group in the 2022 DC Pride Parade being held on June 11. To be part of this event, please…

Informational RIC Meeting and Pride Parade 2023

Pride Parade 2023 and RIC Committee Planning for the Synod's participation in the 2023 Pride Parade is well underway! There are also preliminary plans for a new RIC Committee. Please fill out this interest form if your congregation would like to participate on June 10. Need more info before you sign up? Attend an informational…

Pride Parade 2023

March with the Metro D.C. Synod in the 2023 Pride Parade! Sign up as an individual, or with your congregation here.   SIGN UP HERE


Dreaming & Visioning Conversations with RIC Team


The newly formed Metro D.C. Synod Reconciling in Christ Team invites you to one of two online Zoom conversations in August to explore what the future of this team looks like. Share your dreams, ideas and needs to help determine which trainings and resources are shared by this team to help synod congregations as well as rostered and…


Dreaming & Visioning Conversations with RIC Team


The newly formed Metro D.C. Synod Reconciling in Christ Team invites you to one of two online Zoom conversations in August to explore what the future of this team looks like. Share your dreams, ideas and needs to help determine which trainings and resources are shared by this team to help synod congregations as well as rostered and…

Reconciling in Christ Team Meeting


All are encouraged to join the RIC team meeting on Wednesday, February 7 at  7:00 PM on Zoom as we discuss: Capital Pride participation ELCA Churchwide Memorial for gender voting standards RIC congregation support and pairing April in-person gathering Join Zoom Here Zoom password: 4005

Explore Reconciling in Christ Potluck & Conversation

Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC, United States

Well, maybe it's time to put away the mittens, but perhaps not time to pull out your swim shorts. Still, how about a compromise and coming to a potluck? The Synod Reconciling in Christ Team invites all interested parties to join together on Sunday, April 7, at 5:30 PM at Lutheran Church of the Reformation. The closest…

Pride Participation Training Session


For those interested in learning more about how to engage, what language to use, what to wear, etc., the RIC Team is providing a training session for all ages on Sunday, May 19, at 5:00 PM on Zoom. While this training is geared towards preparing for the DC Pride Parade and Festival, it is open…

Metro D.C. Synod Pride Parade and Festival Booth

The Metro D.C. Synod RIC Team is participating in the D.C. Pride Parade on Saturday, June 8, and hosting a booth at the D.C. Pride Festival on Sunday, June 9. There are several ways to get involved and everyone is invited to come and share God's love and acceptance while meeting some great people! Saturday,…