Registration is now open for “Sacred Ground,” a 12-session spiritual journey, grounded in the example of Jesus Christ and the power of scripture, prayer, God’s grace, to help to achieve racial equity. This series is open to all congregations in small groups and to all rostered ministers. Through this series, you are invited to: walk…
You are invited on Tuesday, September 17, to an informational Session on Zoom at 7:00 PM. Come to learn about upcoming events and exciting changes happening within the Metro D.C. Synod Youth + Family Ministry. Please sign up to attend here. You will receive reminder emails with the Zoom link and be added to our…
Join Racial Equity Team member Duke Taylor on Thursday, September 19, for an online Leadership Academy workshop at 7:00 PM to learn how to navigate conflict through Crucial Conversations: Techniques for When Opinions Vary. There are issues that everyone purposely, or unconsciously, avoids especially regarding race, political issues, or sexual identity. With social media and…
The Metro D.C. Synod Women's Organization (SWO) invites all women to the Resilience & Hope Convention on Saturday, September 21, at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Springfield, VA. This is the first in-person gathering since 2019, and it promises to be a valuable experience for worship, service, and fellowship. For more information, view the flyer…
Join Global Missions on Saturday, September 21, at 2:00 PM to explore the Metro D.C. Synod’s relationships with Lutherans around the world, especially in El Salvador, Namibia, Slovakia, and the Middle East. Both experienced and new perspectives are welcomed as we consider how to walk together in the coming year, hearing from our companions and participating in…
The Metro D.C. Synod invites you to the Installation of Pastor David Newman on Saturday, October 5, at 3:00 PM at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Derwood, MD. Rostered ministers are invited to vest and process and the Color of the Day is green.