Every life is precious
In neighboring Baltimore, faith leaders have spoken to “unfolding events surrounding the tragic and untimely death of Freddie Gray” and called for a public moment of silence in gatherings of worship. After reading a statement endorsed by three faith leader groups at an April 23, 2015 press conference, the Rev. Wolfgang Herz-Lane, Bishop of the ELCA Delaware-Maryland Synod, said:
“The heart of this statement is an invitation for Christians, Jews and Muslims this weekend, whether we worship on Friday in a mosque, on Saturday in a synagogue, or Sunday in Christian church, for all of us this weekend to take some time to pray about this situation, to reflect about the underlying causes of racism and discrimination and inadequate opportunity, and then at some point either before or after the service to step outside to do a visible action, to show connectedness with the community to step outside as a group and to assemble in front of the house of worship wherever that might be and to keep a moment of silence and reflection.”
The statement itself reads in part: “We profess that every life is precious to God, and are committed to building a City marked by peace, unity and opportunity for all.”
View the press conference at www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PJUdlEr89Y and read text of the statement endorsed by the Baltimore Interfaith Coalition, Central Maryland Ecumenical Council (CMEC), and CMEC Ecumenical Leaders Group in an email distributed by the ELCA Delaware-Maryland Synod at http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=0d270f5f756eaf3850a28b8c5&id=14f965333f.
Bishop Herz-Lane (at podium) of the ELCA Delaware-Maryland Synod participated in a press conference of faith leaders. He is president of the Central Maryland Ecumenical Council Ecumenical Leaders Group.