From the Bishop’s Desk: Request for Information

Group 236

Dear Friends,

I am writing today to ask for your help in bringing the synod database up-to-date with your current information. This may seem like another form you are asked to fill out that will result in little to no change. You may also have concerns about why we are asking for such information. Here is what I have to offer as an explanation. 

Since becoming bishop, I have worked with our ELCA seminaries, Churchwide, and the Lutheran World Federation. After much observation and experience with these entities, I’ve learned that the most effective way to implement change in these systems is by providing compelling data.

When I ask for more Spanish language education within the seminaries, it’s helpful to offer how many or how few people we have with those Spanish language skills. When I share how our ethnic specific leaders are not compensated equitably and their congregations are unable to sustain the ministry, it’s helpful to show the numbers. At a minimum, this data creates awareness around these tables. At best, the data holds the systems accountable and requires these entities to create resources and practices that are equitable, just, and relevant to the time in which we serve. 

While the questions you are about to engage may seem to pry, your bold responses may serve as a catalyst for meaningful conversations, strategic planning, curriculum development, global gleaning of resources, and eventual changes that positively affect our lives and ministries.

I assure you that your personal information will not be shared outside of our synod office without your consent. I also assure that your information will be managed with care and hope-filled intention.

Thank you for taking 10-15 minutes to complete your Rostered Minister/Candidate Profile Update and including your voice in this long awaited and overdue conversation.

En Cristo,

Bishop Leila M. Ortiz