Gifts of Hope Advent Toolkit is Here!

The Gifts of Hope team has put together a toolkit of resources for congregations to utilize as they promote this alternative gift-giving program over the holidays. Check out the Advent 2022 toolkit which includes:
- Pre-written messages for e-news, social media, website, bulletins, etc. There are four in case you’d like to use one each Sunday in Advent.
- Social media graphics (including one video option) to accompany the pre-written messages.
- Instructions for ordering more printed cards if a donor or church wishes to secure more.
- The 2022 catalog in digital format.
- Digital card options
- Various ways to share with others how the program works:
- A flier
- A PowerPoint presentation
- An MP4 video you can upload to social media
- A folder with Gifts of Hope logos.
- A downloadable version of the order form.