Make Ready for Holy Disruption

Group 236

We await yet again for the birth of the babe in the manger, and we also await Christ’s coming again to fulfill all things. We often prepare for Advent by “getting ready”. Yet preparing for the coming of Christ is not a matter of having everything under control.

Christ’s arrival disrupts—disrupts injustice, sin, and brokenness in a society in which we are deeply embedded. A prayer for Christ to come to us is a prayer for a holy disruption of our lives that we cannot control and that we might struggle to accept.

Each Advent Sunday, you are invited to participate in a digital devotional based on the Holy Disruption midweek series from Sundays and Seasons. Each week, we will focus on one of the four steps that help us recognize our resistance to God’s inbreaking and prepare for God’s holy disruption: breathing, releasing, receiving, and rejoicing.

You will then be invited to post a photo from your home, ministry, call, family, life, or community throughout the week where you saw the inbreaking of God or holy disruption.

The more we share what we experience each week, the more complete our view becomes of God’s holy disruption in the world!

Online Devotionals

Week 1 Devotional – Breathing
Week 2 Devotional – Releasing
Week 3 Devotional – Receiving
Week 4 Devotional – Rejoicing

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