In the News: Congregation’s Recovery Connections in Haiti
Lord of Life Lutheran Church‘s involvement with the Lazarus Project, reaching out to brothers and sisters hurting in Haiti, was highlighted in an article in The Washington Post (1/22/10) by William Wan: “Haiti’s logistical hurdles are thwarting small nonprofits.”
This photo, courtesy of The Lazarus Project, appeared originally with the Post's article. In it, Debbie Berquist of the Lazarus Project treats a student in Haiti.
In part, the article highlighted the flexibility of this kind of relief work in these hours of desperate need. “Such smaller nonprofit groups can offer key advantages during events like this, experts say. ‘Often, they are the ones who know the neighborhood and are connected with the people in need,’ Abramson said. ‘They’re the ones who are there before, during and after,'” the article stated, quoting Alan Abramson, professor, Department of Public and International Affairs, George Mason University.
The Rev. Ron Qualley, pastor, Lord of Life Lutheran, said in the article, “‘We’re working on a plan now for what to do in the short term, medium term and longer term in Haiti,’ he said. ‘We will definitely continue to help the chlidren in Haiti, to raise up leaders there. We just have to figure out how.'”
Read the article in full from The Washington Post‘s Web site (sign in may be required), and visit the congregation’s Web site for more information about their work with the Lazarus Project.