In the news: Local leaders attend senior issues briefing at White House

Group 236

Lutheran Services in America (LSA) regional members and guests attended a special community leaders briefing on senior issues at the White House on July 16. Those present included Deacon Kati Miller Holland and Kimberly Davis of Lutheran Social Services/National Capital Area’s (LSS/NCA) Caregiver Services program and Claudia Thorne, Executive Director, Community Family Life Services (CFLS).

During the event, community leaders were briefed by Obama Administration officials, including: Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Kathy Greenlee; Director of the National Economic Council Gene Sperling; and Deputy Director for Social Security Carolyn Colvin. At the end of the briefing, Vice President Joe Biden addressed the gathered leaders.

Calling the briefing “a great networking opportunity both within the Lutheran service community and with government partners,” Thorne said, “[Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security] programs support persons who have worked all their lives in retiring with dignity!”

Find more details in LSA Washington (“Lutheran Services in America Well Represented at White House Briefing on Senior Issues,” 7/17/12).