Is your congregation’s personality more Antioch or Jerusalem?
The Rev. Phil Hirsch
Among biblical models of church, the Church at Antioch pushed out into the world. The Church of Jerusalem by contrast was a come-and-see-us type of church. Teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer – all good things. Pr. Hirsch, during his report as our Director for Evangelical Mission, said he resonated with the Antioch model for our time and place in the Metro D.C. Synod. Invest in people and take risks. The best way is to invest in people—the new to the country, to the neighborhood, as well as new mission starts, new ministry.
Current examples include Luther Place D.C. trying a new worship service/style, Abiding Presence’s MOPS group, St. Michael’s Truth outreach, Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Church, and St. Johns in Aspen Hill.