Announcement from Interim Vice President of Synod Council, Jackson Droney

A Time to Notice, and a Time to Act.
A Time to Pray, and a Time to Give.
Sometimes a crisis enables us to see things differently than before, to notice what has been missing or hidden from view. In these socially distant days, I imagine many of us are noticing parts of our lives and world differently. Often what begins as a noticing, results in a desire to be responsible, to take action – to put on a mask, to check in on community members, to deliver food, to sign up as a mutual aid volunteer. There are many ways for each of us – individually and as congregations – to notice where the need is around us and to take faithful action to respond to that need. God’s work, our hands, indeed.
As the synod considers how to best support our life as church together, we have noticed that we have lacked a means to support congregations affected by disasters, including this pandemic. Therefore, I’m pleased to announce the synod council has established the synod’s Disaster Accompaniment Loan Fund (DALF or “the fund”). The fund will support congregations experiencing financial difficulties due to disasters, including the present pandemic. We have committed ten thousand dollars from non-designated reserves to seed this fund.
As you consider your noticings in this time, I invite you to make a contribution to this fund as a way of participating in church together. This crisis is being felt differently by each of us, including how we’re impacted financially. So if you have more than you need, I ask you to help the synod support the work of congregations that do not.
To be clear, the fund is intended to support congregations impacted by this disaster (and future ones). Funds will be dispersed based on demonstrated need. This is not a fund to support the more general work of congregational revitalization, nor is it a substitute for the role insurance plays in our financial stewardship.
You can review more details on the scope and administrative processes of the fund by clicking here.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration, and for all the ways you’re noticing and participating in the Spirit’s movement in these difficult times.
In this time apart, we remain bound together by our love and faith in Jesus Christ.
Jackson Droney
Interim Vice President of Synod Council