Landmark for our travels
There is a lot going on now, and we’re all bustling. But people love Advent anyway, and I believe this is because not even the seasonal busyness can detract from the news that Jesus is coming.
These Chrismons poised to deck the halls of Grace Lutheran Church in Fort Washington, Md. were photographed by Anna Coughlin for sharing in synod greetings.
Jesus is coming, and whether or not the preparations are ever fully completed, sometime on the evening of December 24th or the morning of December 25th it will occur to almost everyone… What we are doing, we are doing because the baby born to Mary in Bethlehem is so special that he is called God for us, the Savior, the Light of the World.
Jesus is coming, and Jesus is here, for us as well as for all.
When I blindly follow the directions from my GPS device around the synod, it is possible to get to where I’m going with pretty much no idea how I got there.
I want us to pass through time and space differently, guided mostly by landmarks of memory and a general sense of where Jesus wants us to go. Because then, wherever we wind up, we will notice that Jesus has been with us all the way.
And wherever we go next, we will know that all our travel in this life is for Jesus’s sake, and that he is himself always our true destination.
May you have a blessed Advent and a joyous Christmas. Amen.